Operations In Unexpected Industries

Ann Arbor, MI - The 14th Annual Global Operations Conference, hosted by the Tauber Institute for Global Operations at the University of Michigan, brought together leaders in industry and academia to discuss "Operations in Unexpected Industries." Held December 1-2 at the Michigan Ross School of Business, the 2022 conference featured keynote addresses by forward-thinking leaders planning for the decade ahead, plus a series of industry panels comprised of operations professionals representing a wide range of perspectives, moderated by the University of Michigan faculty from the Ross School of Business and Michigan Engineering.

The Global Operations Conference allows Michigan students and busy professionals to evaluate industry trends and examine new ideas in a compressed timeframe. The conference commenced Thursday evening with a networking dinner, followed Friday by a full morning of panel discussions, concluding with a keynote. 

Friday sessions kicked off with Michigan faculty moderating robust panel discussions on "Healthcare - Digital Transformation of Supply Chains, Staffing, Scheduling, and Patient Flow" and "Energy - Operational Challenges in the Era of Energy Transition," featuring industry professionals on the front lines of Operations developments at Consumers Energy, DTE Energy, Firefly Health, Form Energy, Health Industry Advisor LLC, Henry Ford Health, Mayo Clinic, and McKinsey & Company. Representative speakers from Rossetti and CBS Sports shared their experiences in the operations of the sports and entertainment industries.

Discussion of dozens of panelist ideas continued into lunch, closing with inspiration from Donna Warton CVP of Supply Chain and Sustainability at Microsoft. Donna closed the conference with her keynote address on "Technology" in Operations. A thought leader in the industry of Windows + Devices business, Donna's current role includes managing the end-to-end operations and sustainability for software, gaming, and hardware product lines, including Surface, Surface Hub, HoloLens, Xbox, and PC Accessories. 

Donna encouraged the 300+ student audience to "leave a legacy in every position throughout your career."

Global Operations Conference event photos 

About the Tauber Institute for Global Operations

The Tauber Institute for Global Operations is a joint venture between the Michigan Ross School of Business and Michigan Engineering, working with industry partners to facilitate cross-disciplinary education in global operations management. In addition to a broad array of core and elective courses, Tauber Institute's innovative LeadershipAdvantageSM Program provides students with the tools to ascend to major operations leadership roles. Well-designed and managed team projects form the cornerstone of the Tauber Institute experience and allow students to apply their knowledge to real-world settings by addressing substantive operations challenges at top global firms.

Learn more at tauber.umich.edu.